Other Links & Information

This page contains a  list of links to other websites that might be of interest; and lists other ‘general’ posts to this website which are not otherwise categorised.

Neighbouring Parish Websites

Beer Crowcombe

Neroche Villages

Hatch Beauchamp

Neroche Village Hall

Stoke St Mary

Other Websites of Interest

Seven Sowers Benefice          (Website editor  Sarah Baddeley,  email  baddershiho@hotmail.com)


WHPC Website General Posts

The Parish Council is deeply saddened at the death of a great and much loved Queen. She above all showed the qualities of integrity and service which have been an inspiration to the country for the past seventy years.
On behalf of the Parish, we extend to King Charles and the Royal Family our deepest condolences and grateful thanks for a life of unselfish commitment and an unprecedented example to us all.

The Meeting of West Hatch Parish Council due to be held in January has been delayed until Thursday 10th February 2022.

The agenda is below:

2022 01 Agenda Jan 22

The Secretary of State has announced that the proposal for a single unitary authority has been selected as the future Local Government structure for Somerset.

Please click below for an  update from the Leader of Somerset County Council.

LGR Update July 2021

Update on the proposals to upgrade the A358

This is an open meeting for all parishioners to learn about the developments on the proposed dualling of the A358 and to hear their views on the project.

Further information is on the attached notice: Parish Notice 28th July 21

A358 Mitigation Proposals

A358 Scheme


This meeting will be followed by the Ordinary July Parish Council meeting.

Chairmans Communication Jan 21

A communication from the Chairman concerning grant applications for funding from the  Somerset Climate Emergency Fund

Regrettably, it has been decided to postpone VE Day Anniversary Celebrations planned for West Hatch Parish.
It will be decided later whether an alternative date can be found, depending on any national guidance concerning the event.

Do make a note in your diary for our VE Celebration Event on Friday 8th May 2020
Click for here for more details
