About Community Activities in West Hatch
The Village Hall (WHVH) Committee and the Parish Council (WHPC) realise that only a small proportion of the parishioners know of the activities of our two organizations. We would like to keep everyone informed and would like to see more participation in the village’s activities.
Although we have a fair number of email addresses, we would like to extend the email circulars to all our parishioners. So, if you do not receive our emails and would like to have them, please send your email address to: douglasat64@aol.com and we’ll include you on WHVH and WHPC circulars.
If you don’t have email access and would still like to receive local information, let us know and we will attempt to deliver directly to your door.
Notices of activities of both West Hatch organizations are published on the three village notice boards, on the parish website www.westhatchparish.org.uk and in the Parish Magazine.
The Parish Magazine details all church activities at St Andrews and in nearby parishes ( also see website www.sevensowers.org.uk )
If you don’t receive the Parish Mag (£6 for 12 monthly magazines) and would like to start, contact Jill Macleod, 01823442698.
West Hatch Organisations and Contact Details
West Hatch Parish Council
Clerk:- Gillian Midworth westhatchpc@outlook.com
Chairman:- keith.read44@gmail.com
West Hatch Village Hall Committee
Chairman and Hall Bookings – Douglas Kerr Douglasat64@aol.com Tel: 01823 480621
Secretary – Margaret Luck Msluck50@yahoo.com Tel: 01823 480445
Treasurer – Peter Baverstock PBaverstock@aol.com Tel: 01823 480015
Publicity – John Eyers Johneyers@hotmail.com Tel: 01823 480067
Other Members: David Lodge, Catherine Lodge, Lynne Baverstock
St. Andrews Church
Churchwarden – Marion Kerr; thekerrsat64@aol.com
Churchwarden – Vera Cottey-Williams; 01823 480855
Church Services – 2nd and 3rd Sunday am.
Sunday Gang for kids on 3 rd Sunday; dates & times in the Parish Mag or from Church Wardens
Farmers Arms
For events etc, check www.farmersarmssomerset.co.uk
We may circulate occasional Farmers Arms notices by email if requested