Parish Councillors

Details below show current Parish Counsellors and the the roles presently occupied.
The Parish Council term of office generally runs for 4 years. (May 2015 marked the beginning of a recent term of office).
Parish Council Roles are reviewed at each Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Council Meetings require the attendance of a minimum of three Councillors to be quorate.
To contact the Parish Council on any matter, please email the Parish Clerk as below or via the ‘Contact Us‘ page

Councillor Name Key Responsibilities
Cllr. Keith Read Parish Council Chair, Planning Committee Chair
Cllr. Martin  Middleton Parish Council Vice Chair, Finance Committee Chair
Cllr. Ben Haskins (Co-opted) Footpaths and Rights of Way
Cllr. George Knight Liaison with SCC Highways
Cllr. Richard Sullivan (Co-opted) SALC representative
Cllr. Les Finlayson (Co-opted)  
Cllr. Kate Walters (Co-opted)  
Mrs Gillian Midworth Clerk to Parish Council