A358 Consultation Deficiencies
A358 Consultation Deficiencies FINAL
Somerset, UK
A358 Consultation Deficiencies FINAL
The A358 Planning process
The response of the Community of Parishes to the Supplementary Consultation of June 2022 is shown below. The Community of Parishes represents 14 Parishes which will be affected by the proposed dualling of the A358. CoPResponse_SupConsultation_17-6-22
WHPC Response to A358 Supplementary Consultation June 22
Following a meeting with the Chairman of West Hatch Parish Council and Rebecca Pow MP, National Highways has produced a fact sheet detailing the rationale behind its design. A358 Taunton to Southfields – Fact sheet
There will be a short Parish Meeting on Tuesday 7th June commencing at 8pm at West Hatch Village Hall. National Highways is currently holding a supplementary consultation on proposed changes to the A358 Scheme and the purpose of the meeting is to update you and hear your views on the latest changes. Please come along … Read more
Report of Parish Meeting with Rebecca Pow 10 March 22
The Parish Meeting with Rebecca Pow has been rescheduled for Thursday 10th March at the Village Hall starting at 7.15pm. This is a great opportunity to raise your concerns and put your questions relating to the A358 proposals to your MP. Please note: The meeting will only address the A358 Development and not wider political … Read more
Rebecca Pow has agreed to attend a meeting for West Hatch parishioners to discuss the A358 proposals, hear your views on the scheme and take your questions. The meeting will take place on Thursday 3rd March at the Village Hall commencing at 7.15pm and all parishioners are welcome to attend. The meeting will only address … Read more
A new local grass-roots campaign has been launched by Hatch Beauchamp PCÂ to help residents challenge the proposed A358 works. Information is attached below A5 flyer vFINAL